Monday, January 31, 2011

Chapter 6 Summary

Ions: Charged Particles in Solutions

The first is Acids: are substances that create a surplus of hydrogen ions or hydronium ions.

There positive charge and they're protein donors.

The second is salt: Salt is a compound of both Acid and base.

The third are bases: The bases are substances that produce a surplus of hydroxide ions, and they also have a negative charge and there proton acceptors.

Neutral: They have an equal number of positive charge and negative charge.

Identifying Acids and Bases: The first way to ID acids or bases is by using sensory ID is taste testing or touching. When you taste something acids taste sour and bases taste bitter. The second way is by using organic dyes such as litmus plant paper strips. If you dip the strips into acid it will turn red. If you dip the strips into the base it will turn blue. Ph paper can also be used to ID weather if something is an acid or base. Acids have a PH of 1.0 to 6.9 and bases have a PH of 7.1 to 14.0. If it's 7.0 that equals Neutral.

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