Thursday, January 13, 2011

Potato Lab

Purpose of lab? To see how heat/energy moves from water through food during cooking.

The procedure you followed- describe what you did today. For the procedure we washed the potato, massed the potato, we measured the length and the width of the potato, we measured 350 ml of water and put the water into the pot to get the temperature of the potato at different depths. For the 3 thermometers we put 1 thermometer threw the whole potato, the 2nd thermometer we put it in halfway threw the potato, the 3rd thermometer was in the pot for the boiling water.

Initial mass of potato: 226g
Final mass of potato: 224g
Difference in mass:2g (lost)
Length of potato: 105mm
Width of potato: 50mm
Depth of potato: 120mm

1. Did that mass of potato change during cooking? Why? Yes, because water from the potato was lost during the cooking process.

2. Is there a relationship between the depth of the potato and the cooking time? Yes because some of the water in the potato came out and lost 2grams.

3. Insert a picture of your temp. readings line graph from class:

4. Compare the graphed data and explain the differences. Temp C heated alot faster because it was in the water and not in the potato. B was halfway down in the potato and C heated alot slower because they were in the potato and not completely in the water. A temp was closer to the top of the potato.

5. Why did the temp. of the boiling water go down when the potato was first added? Yes because the temps A and B were both in the potato and the temps for A and B are higher than the depth of the potato at 120mm.

6. What happened to the appearance of the water? The water got cloudy.

7. Where did the bubbles for when the potato was cooked? They were on top of the water, and on the sides.

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