Tuesday, February 1, 2011

PH and Chemical leavening in Muffins

Purpose: Compare the effects of 4 leavening agents in a muffin recipe. Then we compared color, ___shape______, flavor, and _____cell size___ of the muffins. We had to be ___careful _________ when measuring!

List each variation- What was the leavening agents used? (Acids and Bases)

1. Vinegar
2. baking soda
3. Double-acting baking powder
4. Cream of Tarter.

Cell Size: Sarah's varation was smallest
Color: lightest
Shape: smallest
Flavor: sweet, good

Variation 2:
Cell Size: was middle
Color: was middle
Shape: most cracks
Flavor: was sweet
pH: 5-6

Variation 3:
Cell Size: was the smoothest
Color: was middle
Shape: was middle
Flavor: mild, butter, bad after taste
pH: 5-6

Variation 4:
Cell Size: taryn thought that it was smallest.
Color: darkest
Shape: I thought that it looked like a mountain
Flavor: it was sweet
pH: 6-7

1. Which leavening agent produced the tallest muffins? The tallest was #2
The shortest? was #3

2. Which leavening agent produced the best flavor? S-#1 T-#4

3. Which, if any, have a bitter aftertaste? It was #3

4. Were there any differences in pH? What were they? All of them were the same expect muffin #4 which was 6-7. It was the variation #4.

Pictures of us and our muffins:

The gals wanted a pic of Ms.Turner- they were feeling as if I had been "left out." I was fine with no pics, but here it is, the best one yet!

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