Thursday, April 14, 2011

Three different ways to thicken gravey with starch.

I (Sarah) worked with three diff. ways to thicken gravy. They were:

1.) Starch and cold water method
2.) Starch and fat (butter) method
3.) Starch and sugar method

The starch and cold water was too plain tasting for me. This was my second favorite tasting gravy.

The starch and fat had the most flavor- I guess from the butter or fat in it. This was my favorite tasting gravy.

The starch and sugar was lumpy and tasted too sweet for gravy. It could be used to make pies or other sweet recipes.

If i had to make gravy for thanksgiving dinner for my family I would use the starch and fat method, using hot water, starch (either flour or corn starch) and broth or turkey or chicken drippings. 

I love gravy on rice!!

If i owned a restaurant and was serving gravy to guests i would use the starch and fat also because it has no lumps and it tastes the best.

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