Thursday, February 10, 2011

Learning about acids and bases by making pickles!

Our first time canning.

Sarah's concentrating on putting the pickles in the water CAREFULLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is our recipe!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here's us cutting the cucumbers to make pickles!!!!!

Today we made _____Pickles___________.

Cucumbers are naturally a ______bases_________________.

By adding _____vinegar____________ cucumbers become __acidic pickles_____________________.

Because pickles are acidic (with the vinegar) we can use a _____boiling water caner___________________ to process the pickles.

If we were canning something that was a base or alkaline we would have to use a _____pressure caner______________ to process.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Thank you Taryn!

Thank you for the sweet Valentines Day gift! You're the sweetest gal I know (and Sarah too!)

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Molarity of sweetened tea

Purpose: Was to see who liked very sweet tea or the least sweet tea.

Procedure summary: We made 6 different kinds of tea. Than we had to calculate the mass of one mole of table sugar(sucrose). Than we measured 500 ML of unsweetened tea in a 1,000 ML beaker. Than we calculated and massed the moles of sugar needed for the tea.


1 Really,really sweet
2 Really sweet
3 needs less sugar
4 perfect!!!! +
5 Good
6 Not enough sugar-

1 + Good
2 Needs more sugar
3 Way to much sugar
4 Needs more sugar
5 Needs a lot more sugar
6 - Seems like no sugar is in threre

1 Least favorite
2 Not like
3 Not like
4 Not like
5 + my favorite
6 Not like

Justin Nevers=
1 + Tastes ok
2 A little bit off to much sugar
3 three is better than 2
4 Not to bad
5 Not to bad needs sugar 4 is better
6 Needs sugar and it's the worst tea

1. Which of the molarities was preferred by each person in class? T= 4 S= 1 Ms.T=5

2. Is there a relationship between sweetness preferred and any other factors you observed? Taryn does not use sugar that much. Sarah eats a lot of sugar I LOVE SUGAR!!!!!

3. How many tsp of sugar would you need in one 8oz glass of tea to equal the concentration of your preference?
Taryn= 3.2 tsp per 8 oz glass
Sarah= 6.4125 tsp per 8 oz glass


Mole Math!

Sarah is making me laugh, hard!

We have giggles!

Food Science= food + science (math!)

We drank too much sugary tea!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Nice work gals... keep it up!

PH and Chemical leavening in Muffins

Purpose: Compare the effects of 4 leavening agents in a muffin recipe. Then we compared color, ___shape______, flavor, and _____cell size___ of the muffins. We had to be ___careful _________ when measuring!

List each variation- What was the leavening agents used? (Acids and Bases)

1. Vinegar
2. baking soda
3. Double-acting baking powder
4. Cream of Tarter.

Cell Size: Sarah's varation was smallest
Color: lightest
Shape: smallest
Flavor: sweet, good

Variation 2:
Cell Size: was middle
Color: was middle
Shape: most cracks
Flavor: was sweet
pH: 5-6

Variation 3:
Cell Size: was the smoothest
Color: was middle
Shape: was middle
Flavor: mild, butter, bad after taste
pH: 5-6

Variation 4:
Cell Size: taryn thought that it was smallest.
Color: darkest
Shape: I thought that it looked like a mountain
Flavor: it was sweet
pH: 6-7

1. Which leavening agent produced the tallest muffins? The tallest was #2
The shortest? was #3

2. Which leavening agent produced the best flavor? S-#1 T-#4

3. Which, if any, have a bitter aftertaste? It was #3

4. Were there any differences in pH? What were they? All of them were the same expect muffin #4 which was 6-7. It was the variation #4.

Pictures of us and our muffins:

The gals wanted a pic of Ms.Turner- they were feeling as if I had been "left out." I was fine with no pics, but here it is, the best one yet!