Thursday, October 14, 2010

Sensory Preferences

1.  Describe a negative experience you remembered about one of the foods you listed as a least favorite.
Sarah= I got sick after eating turkey.

Taryn= It was when we had a salad and I asked what this pink thing was and I had it in my mouth and my mom said it was a radishes. So I spit it out and I've never touched one since.

2.  Describe a negative experience your parent or guardian remembered about one of the foods he or she     
     listed as a least favorite.
Sarah= My mom got sick after eating Mexican food.

Taryn= It was when my mom and I were getting subway on the way home from a softball game and she asked if she could get a little bit of peppers on the sandwich and when she ate it she spit it out and never ate jalapeno peppers again.

3.  Which of the least favorite foods listed above would you not be willing to eat as an ingredient in a
     combination dish, such as a casserole or soup?
Sarah= It would be turkey i got sick after eating turkey soup.

Taryn= I would never use mushrooms and white onions.

4.  Which of the least favorite foods listed in question 3 would you not be willing to eat even if it were
     prepared in a new and interesting way?
Sarah= I would not use mushrooms.

Taryn= I would still never use mushrooms.

5.  What similarities and differences did you discover between your most and least favorites and those of
     your parent or guardian?
Sarah= My mom likes chocolate and I like chocolate My mom likes mushrooms and i don't like mushrooms.

Taryn= I don't like mushrooms but my mom does. My mom like chocolate cake and so do I.

6.  In what ways do you think your family affects your food preferences?
Sarah= When my sister or mom adds mushrooms to the food I like but i ask them if they can take some of the dinner out and not put the mushrooms in there.

Taryn= If they added mushrooms to everything I wouldn't eat the dinner so I would make my own dinner or have my mom save me some dinner without the mushrooms.

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