Monday, September 20, 2010

What does a food scientist do?

Today we learned 4 things about what a food scientist does.
#1. The food scientist can make a cereal for hungry people that gives the people 28% protein so that they can get the nutritional values they need. (The food scientist helps create healthy, cheap and safe food for hungry persons worldwide)
#2. Today in class we are also learning that there are new food products coming out every day from different countries.
#3. There are new food processing ways to make an ear of corn turn into a different things.
example 1. There are several ways to make something out of corn 1 is to make chips, popcorn, cereal. (The food scientist works to process food in different ways to meet the demands of the consumer)
#4. Food safety is being practiced worldwide and everybody is listening to the food scientists. (The food scientist works around the world to help keep food safe, healthy and affordable in all places.)

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