Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Homemade Mayo

Why did we make mayo? Because it's fun and also because it's an emulsion and we wanted to know how an emulsion worked.

What is mayo an example of?
It's an example of an emulsion.

What acid did we use?
We used white wine vinegar, lemon juice.

What does the acid do? The acid helps to emulsify the oil and other ingredients.

Developing Data Tables

The Purpose of our table today was: Well designed data tables will help the scientists see the patterns and relationships in the data they might miss otherwise.

Does your data table have two rows with six columns or six rows with two columns?
It has six rows with two columns.

What factors would help you determine if information should be entered into the rows or columns? The headings tell you where to put the data.

Which year on our data table had the most new food products?
The year was 1995.

Which year had the fewest?
The year was 1970.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

News Update

Assignment: Read a Internet article that discusses some aspect of the food industry or recent food-related research. identify the source of info. and summarize what you have read. Describe how the info. can be applied and what group of people, such as older adults, pregnant women, parents, or the general public (consumers), most need this info.

Title and Source:
FDA considering whether to label engineered fish.
Date of publication:
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
What group of people will benefit most from this article/information?
The consumers who eat fish.
Summarize main points of article:
The Auqabounty company wants to to sell engineered fish. The FDA will look it over and make a decision whether or not to put it into the stores. The FDA hasn't ever approved engineered animals.

What actions or change of thought do YOU recommend because of reading this article?
Sarah and Taryn think that there shouldn't be engineered animals on the market because you can maybe get sick from genetically engineered animals.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Nice work gals... keep it up!

Watchdog Groups

The FDA= The Food and Drug Administration. The food and Administration people help regulate the food supply in the U.S.
The USDA= United States Department of Agriculture. In 1862 the research was enforced by Harvey Wiley. Wiley the head chemist began a campaign about eliminating misnamed and adulterated foods.

Watchdog Groups:
The IFIC= The International Food Information Council was found in 1985 they are a nonprofit organization.
The ADA= American Dietetic Association. The ADA helps professionals find the correct information.

What does a food scientist do?

Today we learned 4 things about what a food scientist does.
#1. The food scientist can make a cereal for hungry people that gives the people 28% protein so that they can get the nutritional values they need. (The food scientist helps create healthy, cheap and safe food for hungry persons worldwide)
#2. Today in class we are also learning that there are new food products coming out every day from different countries.
#3. There are new food processing ways to make an ear of corn turn into a different things.
example 1. There are several ways to make something out of corn 1 is to make chips, popcorn, cereal. (The food scientist works to process food in different ways to meet the demands of the consumer)
#4. Food safety is being practiced worldwide and everybody is listening to the food scientists. (The food scientist works around the world to help keep food safe, healthy and affordable in all places.)

What the girls do when they are not working on Food Science.....

Thursday, September 16, 2010

The World of Food Science

We made posters to show what we learned about the world of food science:

Protein me up....

I second that emulsion....

Here we are learning about emulsions. An emulsion is when oil and water mix (they don't usually mix!) We use emulsions in food such as ice-cream, mayo and butter. In this case, the part of the protein that does not like water is attracted to the fat in the egg yolk- binding it together to make mayo.

See Sarah's bowl? This was the emulsion WITHOUT the fat.... runny and stinky! YUCK!

See Taryns bowl? This is our homemade mayo using egg yolk as fat to bind the protein to the oil. It smells like mayo and is thick too. Much better.

Learning about proteins....

*If we change the protein in eggs into foam by beating we can make meringue..... cookies! The acid in cream of tartar adds structure to the protein strand.
*The four ways to change a protein are: beat it, heat it, add acid or freezing.
*Protein strands are made of a mixture of amino acids. There are a total of 20 amino acids. Not every amino acid is in every strand of protein. The difference in proteins are made by switching the order, length or mixture of amino acids.