Monday, May 23, 2011

Super Chefs!

Good Luck in all you do ladies! You are truly super-stars! Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! believe in yourself and SMILE! :) It has been great working with you both! Ms.Turner

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Fat in Ground Meat Products

The purpose was to see how much fat there was in 6 different variations of meat.
Summary (what did we do):
We did massed out how much meat we used than we put 1/2 cup of water into each meat bowl. We grabbed the pots and pans than we put the meat in each pan than we turned the heat on to med. Than we cooked the meat for 15 mins. Than we had to drain the water from the meat to get the fat out and than we put the water in the fridge over night so it can harden to turn in to fat.
Lab data:
Name each variation:
1- Ground beef
2- Ground chuck
3- Ground round
4- Extra lean ground beef
5- Ground turkey
6- Vegetable crumbles

Price per pound of each:
1- $4.19
2- $4.29

Flavor of each:
1- Mild with after taste
2- Sarah thought it was the best flavor Taryn thought it was rich
3- Blah! cardboard
4- Mild/ Blah!
5- Mild and can tell that it is turkey
6- Tasted like soy sauce

Texture of Each:
1- Tough and really chewy
2- Moist compared to 3-4
3- Tough and chewy
4- Dry and chewy
5- Soft and crumbly
6- Chewy

Which had the best flavor?
Taryn liked #5 Sarah liked #2 Mrs. Turner liked # 4
Which was the juciest?
The juciest is #2
When might you render fats when preparing foods at home?
When you make spaghetti and meat sauce
When might you render fat for commercial production?
When you are on a cooking show

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Fats in dropped cookies

Purpose: It's to see which fats would taste good in the cookies, and also to see which of the fats would be good for the flavor, color, and the texture.

Procedure summary: We made the chocolate chip cookies but we used different fats in all of the cookies.

Lab Data: The lab data was the flavor, color, and the texture.

Please list each variation in order with numbers and fat used:
1- Vegetable Shortening
2- Vegetable Oil
3- Butter
4- Stick Margarine
5- Tub Margarine
6- Lard

List flavor, color and texture for favorite and least favorite for each person:

Taryn: My favorite cookie that I #1= Flavor 5 out of 5, Color/ Appearance was 5 out of 5 again, and Texture was 5 out of 5 again. My least favorite cookie was #5= Flavor was 3 out of 5, Color/ Appearance was 4 out of 5, and Texture was 5 out of 5.

Sarah: My favorite cookie was #6= Flavor was 4 out of 5, Color/ Appearance was 4 out of 5, and the Texture was 4 out of 5. My least favorite cookie was #5= Flavor was 1 out of 5, Color/ Appearance was 1 out of 5, and the Texture was 1 out of 5.

Ms.Turner: Liked the Variation 3 the best and her least favorite cookie was variation 5.

Mr.Wayne: Favorite was cookie #2= The Flavor was 9 out of 10 in all of the categories.

Ms.Ask: Favorite cookie was cookie #2= The flavor was sweet, subtle delicious, Color/ Appearance was a beautiful looking cookie, and the Texture was crumbly and yet chewy. Her least favorite cookie was #3= Flavor was great flavor lots of chocolate, Color/ Appearance was a bit too dark and flat, and the Texture was chewy- but a bit overcooked.

Dr.PJ: Her favorite cookie was #6= The flavor was excellent, The color/appearance was very nice, and the texture was very good. Her least favorite cookie was #3= The flavor was good but not there was an after taste to it, The color was a bit dark, and the texture was OK- i wouldn't turn it down.

Mr.Robison: His favorite cookie was #2 and the flavor was 2 out of 5, The color/appearance was 1 out of 5, and the Texture was 1 out of 5. His least favorite cookie was #3 The flavor was 3 out of 5, Color/ Appearance was 4 out of 5, and the Texture was also 4 out of 5.

Which cookie had the best flavor overall? The best overall cookie that we all had was cookie number two.

In your own words describe any difference in color from one variation to another. The Tub of Margarine and the Vegetable Oil were the darkest out of them all.

Which was crispiest? The crispest cookie was Variation number two.

Which is the chewiest? The chewiest cookie was cookie number three.

Which is the moistest variation? The moistest variation cookie was the lard cookie.


Theses were all of the different fats in the cookies!!!!!!!!!

Sarah being funny!!!!!!!!

These we're all of the different cookies with the different fats in them!!!!!!!!!