Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Chapter 9 Complex Carbs

These are the functions of complex carbs

These are the three ways of making sauces thick

Here are one of the agents starch and sugar
Here are some of the things that are on the poster

Here are some of the physical properties of starch, liquid and mixes,

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Kitchen Lab-Sugar- Salt Water Taffy

1. Why do I add cornstarch? To make is softer and lighter

2. Why do I add corn syrup? Its acts like a interfering agent.

3. What is glycerin? Is a sweet, slippery colorless liquid.

4. Why do I need to stop stirring after the syrup begins to boil? The sugar crystals have dissolved.

5. What is the soft-craked stage and how can i tell that I have reached it? It gets to the hottes 270 point to make the candy.

6. Why do I wash down the sides of the pan? If you don't wash down the sides and sugar crystals fall into the mixtur it will recrystalized

7. Why do I need to pull the taffy? It makes a lot of tiny air bubbles and it makes it ligther and chewier.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Salt Water Taffy Making YA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1.) The corn starch is to help give the taffy a soft texture

2.) the corn syrup is to help keep the taffy from not crystallizing.

3.) Glycerin is made up from fats and oils and that helps give the candy a soft creamy consistency.

4.) If you stop stirring the syrup you can get little bits of crystals in your taffy.

5.) When the temp reaches 270 to 290 degrees and is flexible after it's dropped in cool water.

6.) If you don't was the sides of the pan the seed crystal of sugar they call it could fall and encourage recrystallization in the pan.

7.) If the taffy doesn't have enough air bubbles in it won't be light or chewy at all.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Chapter 8- All about sugar(s)!

Disaccharides are two joined monosacchaides.
Monosaccharides are Sugars with one  basic molecule.
Sugar comes from a lot of different things like maple trees, corn fields, and sorghum.
Carbs are carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Forming Sugar Crystals

Purpose: The purpose was to see how sugar crystals form.

Procedure: We massed sugar in water, and than we poured the sugar and water in a saucepan over medium heat. We used a thermometer to reach the appropriate tempture. After it reached the tempture we removed it and than we added the dye color that we wanted for our favorite colors.

Pictures of pre-lab with labels:

Sarah is stirring the sugary syrup mixture which is really YUMMMMMMMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The monkey helps out A LOT!!!!!!!!!!

These are the colors that we chose!!!!!!!!

These were the different Celsius degrees that we heated the sugar solution to.

After letting the crystals form, our observations below:
115 degrees C= Mrs. Turners Orange rock candy was small. It had a caved in top.

120 degrees C= Sarah's Aztec Blue rock candy had bigger holes than Mrs. Turners.

125 degrees C = Taryn's purple rock candy had the biggest holes out of them all. The rock candy also looks like a big purple rock.

Post-Lab Questions:

1. Where did the crystals form? Mrs. Turners rock candy actually formed on the stick. Sarah's and Taryn's blue and purple rock candy formed in the cup and very little on the stick.

2. How did changing the temp. of the sugar syrup change the crystal formation? Mrs. Turners rock candy made the best rock candy because it looked like diamonds or crystals. The higher temps made the crystals not form as well and stuck or melted to the cup.

3. What was the function of the sugar crystals on the skewers? The crystals formed on the skewer with a lower temp. 

Pictures of our results:

Sarah is peeling the cup off of rock candy!!!!!!
These are our rock Candy's that we all made!!!!!
TARYN'S ROCK CANDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!